The best food for your cat
It is very important to choose the right food for your cat. Feeding them properly means that they will have the nutrients they need at different stages of their lives, helping to keep them healthy and happy.
Why is my cat’s diet important?
Feeding your cat a proper diet is important for their health. Like us, your cat needs to eat a balanced diet each day in order to provide them with energy and nutrition.
There are some nutrients that cats cannot produce in their bodies as much as we do, so proper nutrition provides them with everything they need. These include the amino acids called Taurine and Arginine, essential building blocks of proteins in the body, which are only found in animal meat as well as other vitamins. Because of this, cats are called ‘obligate carnivores’, meaning they only eat meat. If your cat is not fed nutritious meat, it can get very sick. Taurine deficiency can lead to life-threatening heart problems and eye issues can cause blindness.
Feeding your cat the right amount of quality, adequate cat food and careful monitoring of your cat’s diet can also help them maintain a healthy weight. Obesity is a growing problem for livestock in the UK, and overweight and obese cats are at risk for serious health problems including diabetes and arthritis. Regularly weighing your cat will help you quickly see if they are gaining any weight, so you can adjust their Cat Diet as needed.
What should I feed my cat?
With so many different cat foods available, choosing one can feel overwhelming!
Conclusion: Always feed your cat the food labeled ‘full’ because this means it has all the nutrients they need. ‘Extra’ foods can be served in small portions alongside their main meal.
Available for sale: It is very difficult to give your cat everything they need in the home meal so we advise you to always buy cat food for sale instead of making your own at home. You can buy these from pet stores, vet, supermarkets or from our PDSA Pet Store.
Life is a step in the right direction: Medication needs for your cat will change as it grows – for this reason, it is important to make sure you regularly feed the right part of their lives ie cats, adults or adults. If your cat has other needs such as pregnancy, need to lose weight, or if it has a chronic illness, talk to your vet about the fact that their diet is good for this, too.
Pet Food Manufacturer’s Association (PFMA): Find a manufacturer that is part of the PFMA. Food manufacturers who are members of this organization face higher standards than the legal minimum.
Wet vs dry: Most cats have different tastes in their diet, so most owners choose to feed them a mixture of water and dry – you just need to make sure you are giving them proper nutrition by checking packs and working out. the appropriate size of sections. Eating a soft diet can help add water to your cat if they do not want to drink.
Fragrances, designs and textures: Your cat can enjoy a variety of beauty and shapes, or they may want to stick to a different species – no matter which one you choose, as long as they are happy. While it’s good to know what’s in your cat’s diet, the contents can be confusing. All animal feed indicators need to pass a vet test as ‘fit for human consumption’, so unless your cat has a food allergy, those indicators are irrelevant.
Vegetarian and vegan cat food
If you are not a meat eater yourself, it can be difficult to feed meat to your cat. While we can choose not to eat meat and get enough nutrition from plant foods, cats need meat to provide them with other nutrients that they cannot get anywhere else, so it is very difficult for them to survive and stay healthy somewhere. vegetarian or vegan diet.
We always recommend feeding your cat a high-quality, complete supply of food. Although there are some vegetarian foods and vegan cats available, before you start feeding them, it is important to make sure that your cat will continue to get the food they need to stay healthy. Talk to your doctor for advice if you are unsure.
Green cat food
Some owners prefer to feed their cats raw food and uncooked utensils instead of traditional baked goods. Raw foods can provide all the nutrients your cat needs, however, unfortunately, they can increase the risk of other diseases or health problems, especially if the food is not prepared or stored properly.
If you decide to feed your cat green food, choose a diet that is commercially available, complete with food. This will have a balanced diet and will have checks in place to reduce the risk of any problem. As with any diet, we do not recommend trying to make raw food for your cat at home, as it is very difficult to find the right amount of food.
How much should I feed my cat?
Most cat food packages have feeding directories on them to help you decide how much to feed your cat. Thus, your own cat may need more or less of these directors, so it is important that you check their weight regularly to make sure you are giving them proper nutrition.
It is a good idea to weigh your cat’s food at the beginning of the day (or measure daily portions of them once a week), so as not to try to overeat, and make sure other people in the house do not. t give some food by accident. Most cats are very good at knowing how much they want to eat, but some are very fond of their food and keep asking for more.